4-H Manitoba Team Will Participate in Judging Competition at Canadian Western Agribition This Fall

Team 4-H Manitoba will be heading to the Canadian National 4-H & Youth Judging Competition at Agribition 2024!  Throughout the spring, 4-H Manitoba members aged 16 to 21 were given the opportunity to practice for and compete to earn a spot on the 2024 Manitoba 4-H team that will compete at Agribition in November.  This will be the first 4-H team from Manitoba to attend Agribition since 2009.  The 2024 team members are Hailey Klassen, Shayden Manz, Danica Poettcker, Laura Seward and Alexandria Boryskavich (alternate).

4-H Manitoba – YBF Homestay Program – Homestay Families Still Required

20 Japanese students and 2 chaperones will make Manitoba their home for two weeks – August 2-16, 2024.  Two families are still needed to host female students and one is needed to host the male chaperone for one week.  Please contact Linda at lmcrae-walker@4h.mb.ca or 204-726-1914 for more information.

Hosting a Japanese student/chaperone is a very rewarding experience.  If you have ever wondered what it would be like to make a new friend from across the globe, here is your chance.  You can share what life is like in Manitoba, Canada and at the same time learn some Japanese words and make a lifelong friend.

Please watch the 4-H Manitoba York Benimaru Foundation Homestay video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzjfzlYMfMw&t=56s to learn more about this program.

2024 4-H Manitoba Communications Extravaganza Results

On Saturday, April 27th, 2024, at the Canad Inns Destination Centre Portage la Prairie, 83 4-H members participated in the Provincial 4-H Communications Extravaganza.  These members had risen to the top through a series of competitions from club level to Area levels across the province.

Members competed in the following categories: Cloverbud, Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Adult Speeches, Cloverbud, Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Adult One-Person Visual Presentations, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, and Adult Two-Person Visual Presentations.  An awards presentation followed each competition session.

Approximately 400 people attended the Provincial Communications Extravaganza.  Thank you to the committee volunteers – Linda McRae-Walker, Wenda Best, Cheryl Antonio, Colton Olafson, Christyna Caldwell and Julie Labossiere – as well as the judges and other volunteers for a job well done.  Special thanks to presenting sponsor Bayer Crop Science and supporters SeCan, Government of Manitoba, Manitoba 4-H Endowment Fund Foundation, Peavey Mart, FCC and BASF.  Please read the 4-H Manitoba Communications Extravaganza Results for the list of winners in all categories.

To read a story about the Provincial Communications Extravaganza published on May 3, 2024 on the PortageOnline.com website, please visit https://bit.ly/3R52opM.

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