South Parkland
2024-25 Council Executive
Candace Tolton
Lily Bishop
Allison Beaumont
Josh Mathison
South Parkland Communications 2024
Cloverbud Speeches
Keiva Pulak
Minnedosa Multi-purpose 4-H Club
Crash Boom Bang
Slater Bauereiss
Foxwarren-Solsgirth 4-H Beef Club
Training a 4-H Calf
Intermediate Speeches
Natalie Wozney
Minnedosa Multi-purpose 4-H Club
In Pursuit of Trivia!
Summer Sawchuk
Neepawa & Area 4-H Beef Club
Whitefish Montana
Junior Speeches
Leanne Ott
Tenby 4-H Equestrian & Stockman’s Club
A League of Their Own
Blake Shwaluk
McConnell 4-H Beef Club
My Gido
Senior Speeches
Sveinna Bjarnarson
Neepawa & Area 4-H Beef
Let’s Go for Ice Cream
Madisyn Robertson
Neepawa & Area 4-H Beef
What’s the Beef?
Junior One-Person Visual Presentations
Ryder Muir
Tenby 4-H Equestrian & Stockman’s Club
Barn Buddy Bites
Janelle Gilmore
Tenby 4-H Equestrian & Stockman’s Club
Terri’s Famous Cookies
Senior One-Person Visual Presentations
Danica Poettcker
Tenby 4-H Equestrian & Stockman’s Club
Heads Up
Intermediate One-Person Visual Presentations
Josh Mathison
Hamiota 4-H Fun Club
Taping a Stick
Intermediate Two-Person Visual Presentations
Carrie Hodgins & Harmony Wilson
Kenton Kraftsmen 4-H Club
Bump, Set, Spike