Frequently Asked Questions
Who can be a member?
4-H members are youth and young adults between the ages of 6 and 25. Potential members must meet these age requirements by January 1 of the current 4-H club year.
What do 4-Her’s Do?
The 4-H motto is “Learn To Do By Doing.”
Members can choose from more than 80 interesting hands-on projects like beef, photography, outdoor living, machines, crafts and more! (Click here for a full list of projects). Members will work with a volunteer leader to complete their project activities and develop the essential skills related to the topic.
Each member may enter a speech competition during his/her 4-H year and some will advance to the Provincial Communications Extravaganza. This opportunity to write and read a speech helps develop communication skills and confidence.
Members may also sit on the club executive. This provides them the opportunity to develop interpersonal and meeting management skills.
Other 4-H activities include attending club or provincial events where members can make friends and have fun!
In addition, some members will have the chance to attend 4-H meetings across the province, the country & the world, or to apply for travel opportunities and scholarships.
In 4-H you Learn To Do By Doing and you learn skills that will help you achieve success throughout your life!
What is a 4-H Club?
A 4-H club is a group of 4-H members and leaders that gather for common purposes such as registration, club meetings, special events and end of the year celebrations.
A 4-H club holds meetings that are run by members (who make up the club executive) and include all of the members, leaders and parents in the club. Here, members learn meeting management skills by participating in decision-making and directing the club’s activities for the year.
Each 4-H club decides on a meeting location that best suits them. Small clubs may choose to meet in a member’s home, while larger clubs may use a school classroom or community hall. Project groups may choose to hold their meetings in locations best suited to the project work, such as a carpentry shop, a kitchen, or a greenhouse.
4-H clubs can operate at any time throughout the year. It is common for clubs to start meetings in the fall and finish in the spring. However, clubs may choose to operate as a short summer camp or weekend program. Therefore, meetings can be held whenever and however often the club determines. It is common for clubs to have a monthly meeting, while project groups may meet more frequently.
What are 4-H Leaders?
4-H leaders are adult volunteers who have been screened through our Youth Protection Program (YPP). There are two types of 4-H leaders–Head Leaders and Project Leaders.
Head Leaders serve as the primary contact for the 4-H club. They support club members, project leaders and parents, complete registration and administrative tasks for the club, and may also be Project Leaders.
Project Leaders arrange project meeting dates and locations, provide information to members, help members learn project skills, and encourage members to take part in 4-H club activities.
How do I find a club to join?
To find a 4-H club near you, take a look at our club list.
How much does it cost to join?
4-H members are youth and young adults between the ages of 6 and 25. Potential members must meet these age requirements by January 1 of the current 4-H club year.
What are the 4 H’s?
The four H’s are described in the 4-H Pledge:
I pledge:
My HEAD to clearer thinking,
My HEART to greater loyalty,
My HANDS to larger service,
My HEALTH to better living,
For my club, my community, my country and my world.