Featured Alumni
4-H has positively impacted generations of people since it’s start in Manitoba in 1913. Here we feature a rotation of 4-H Alumni success stories.
Brian Pallister
Former Premier of Manitoba

Brian joined 4-H in 1965 as a member of the Poplar Bluff Beef Calf Club. He was involved in public speaking, volunteer and conservation projects and attended the National 4-H Young Leaders Conference in Ottawa.Brian went on to become a teacher, a self employed business person and an elected official at the Federal and Provincial levels. He was elected Premier of Manitoba in 2016, and recited the 4-H pledge when he took the Oath of Office.
Dori Gingera-Beauchemin
Manitoba Agriculture – Deputy Minister

Dori joined 4-H after her family moved to McCreary and was involved in the McCreary 4-H Busy Hands club for 6 years. During her 4-H career she took various projects including Sewing, Crafts, Foods and Junior Leadership. Dori has worked for the Manitoba Department of Agriculture since 1979. Her current title is Manitoba Agriculture – Deputy Minister. Dori says 4-H gave her a strong “respect for small town and everything rural”.
Allan Preston
Semi-retired farmer, retired veterinarian and a management consultant on agricultural, agri-food, animal health and welfare projects.

Allan first volunteered for 4-H in 1985 and then became a leader for the McConnell 4-H Beef Club as his three children joined the program. He was a leader for 14 years, leading three different beef projects including Market Steer, Beef Heifer and Continuation Heifer. Allan is a semi-retired farmer, a retired veterinarian and a management consultant on agricultural, agri-food, animal health and welfare projects. Allan says the greatest attribute of the 4-H program is the “steady development of self-confidence in each member as they became ever-more comfortable participating in meetings and 4-H activities”.
Randy Mowat
Meyers Norris Penny-Brandon, Calgary 1997 to present, Partner, Senior Vice President, Marketing

Randy was a 4-H member from 1978 to 1980 with the South Brandon Carroll Beef Club after his family had relocated the family farm from the Fraser Valley in BC to Kemnay, MB. On his 15th birthday, Randy had decided he needed a dirt bike and began a campaign to convince his dad to buy him one. His dad’s response was priceless. He drove him out to the field and said “See the cows and the calves? I am now going to drive you to the credit union. There, I will co-sign a bank loan so you can buy the best calf in our herd from me. Then you are going to join 4-H.” Thus, Randy began his 4-H career. In 2010 he returned to 4-H as a volunteer and has been ever since. Randy’s current career is with Meyers Norris Penny-Calgary, where he is Partner and Senior Vice President, Marketing. Randy is also currently Chair of the Canadian 4-H Foundation and a Board Member of the Canadian 4-H Council and was Chair for the committee that created the new 4-H logo.
Kim McConnell
Founder of AdFarm

Kim was a member of the McConnell 4-H Beef Club from 1964-1974. During his 4-H career, he received many project, club, public speaking and national awards. He has also been involved in 4-H for 10 years as a volunteer. He joined the Canadian 4-H Foundation as a director and, in 2013, he was elected Chairman. He is presently the past chair. Kim is the founder of AdFarm, a marketing communications agency focusing on agriculture. Kim says “I truly believe 4-H and the support of my loving parents enabled me to accomplish many things in life…. including being inducted into the Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame.”
Judy Hodge
Manitoba Agriculture, One Health Operations Veterinarian

Judy’s family already had a history in 4-H when she started her 11 year 4-H career. She was a member in the MacGregor Mix n’ Match 4-H Club and took various projects such as Beef, Sewing, Japan at a Glance, and Junior Leadership. Judy, her brother, sister and cousin used to practice showing their cattle to her aunt and grandma who acted as the judges. “Grandma once thought my cousin’s calf should keep his bangs but the judge disagreed,” Judy reminisced. Judy is a well-established veterinarian, having traveled to various countries for different programs. Not only has she achieved her degree in Veterinarian Sciences, she has also completed her Masters of Public Health. Judy’s current occupation is with Manitoba Agriculture as a One Health Operations Veterinarian. Judy says “The most obvious advantage to participating in 4-H is the practice in public speaking.”