Club in “Good Standing”
Criteria for club in “good standing”
- Head Leader (HL), Head Leader Designate (HLD), Leaders (L) and Undesignated Volunteers (UV) are enrolled and YPP accepted.
- All members are enrolled and fees are paid to M4HC.
- Head Leader(s)/Head Leader Designate(s) must have completed Youth Protection Program [YPP screening], Commit to Kids, and Youth Safety at 4-H in Canada training.
- At least one screened leader/volunteer trained in first aid and one leader/member in safe food handling.
- Here is one safe food handling course you can take online. It is free to use. You complete the assessment to test your knowledge and understanding of food handling and food safety in the workplace. There are 30 multiple choice questions which you must complete in one session. This may take you about 15 minutes. You need to get 90% or better to pass and receive a certificate. If you don’t pass, you can review the course topics available on the site and then take the test again. You will receive a certificate via email, which you can share with Manitoba 4-H Council and your club will receive credit for the safe food handling.
- Here is another safe food handling course you can take online. It is free to use. You will receive an email from the Alison Certification Team when you have completed the course. Once you share the email with our office, your club will receive credit for the safe food handling. We do not require you to purchase a certificate from Alison.
- Here is an online option for First Aid Training online. 4-H Manitoba Leaders who want to obtain their first aid training can utilize the course offered by Responsive First Aid & CPR Training. Manitoba 4-H Council will reimburse a portion of the cost. Please read First-Aid Reimbursement Form for more information.
All leaders must complete:
- Youth Protection Program (YPP Screening)
- Commit to Kids free online training as determined by 4-H Canada (approximately 2.5 hours in total but can be done in sections).
- Youth Safety at 4-H in Canada training provided by Club Support Coordinators.